Teeth Whitening At Home With Hydrogren Peroxide 3% Admin, October 18, 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w04TOdPLcYs&showinfo=0&rel=0I Tried Teeth Whitening At Home With Hydrogren Peroxide 3%! I saw this viral video on Tik Tok and decided to try it out myself to se if it really works. What did you think? Did you see any huge difference? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Product used in the Tiktok is sold out. But here is another alternativ. For everyone asking about the robe, here is where I got it! https://royaldesign.se/giacomo-170-badrock?gclid=CjwKCAiAo5qABhBdEiwAOtGmbl227EEm_etfnYp9m9RIP9CWrIa5L-9wBGklVdrHMF5VKRgCtCLrZxoCV8IQAvD_BwE#/189851 Hydrogren Peroxide 3%: https://amzn.to/3cIWreN For my Swedish peeps: https://www.bodystore.com/vateperoxid-3-300-ml/A4046-05.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwlbr8BRA0EiwAnt4MTuSC0lQ67XX2cHTwtiffXDJyWBMbfMbg_oBtOzvrOs3NFlTm0wtfVhoCPMgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds ♡ Follow me: Instagram, snapchat & TikTok: TinaEngeo ♡ For Business & PR opportunities, please email: tinaengeo@gushcloud.com ♡ Some links are affiliate, which means that if you choose to purchase any of the products with the link in the description box, I make a small commission. I am not paid or asked to use these links. It just simply helps me continue to make content on this platform. Thank you for the support! ♡ Healthy Gums Healthy Teeth Oral health Teeth Whitening